NJAMHAA Highlights Need for Increased Funding of the Workforce and Services
January 16, 2024
Everyone in New Jersey's Diverse Community Is
Worthy of Full Investment in the Behavioral
Healthcare System
According to a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration November 2023 report, 48.7 million Americans
(17.3%) aged 12 or older had a substan...
Holiday Blues Could Be Exacerbated by International Conflicts, Underscore Importance of Self-Care
December 27, 2023
While the holiday season is a joyful time for many people, this
is unfortunately not the case for other individuals, especially
those who have friends and relatives in Ukraine, Israel and Gaza
and, therefore, are worried about their safety or have lost loved
ones dur...
NJAMHAA Highlights its Impact, Reinforces More Funding Increases Needed
June 28, 2023
The New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction
Agencies' (NJAMHAA's) advocacy resulted in significant funding
for the behavioral healthcare workforce and increases for some of
the services these essential workers provide in Governor Phil
Murphy's proposed budg...
Mental Health Month Focuses on Looking Around and Within to Improve Mental Health
May 1, 2023
NJAMHAA Advocates for Support of All New Jerseyans'
Wellness by Strengthening the Behavioral Healthcare
The theme for Mental Health Month 2023 (May) is Take Some
Time to Look Around, Look Within to encourage individuals to
realize how their surroundings impact t...
Nashville School Shooting Underscores Need for Laws, Expanded Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
March 28, 2023
Statement from Debra L. Wentz, PhD, President and
Barely three months into 2023, the 89th school shooting of the
year occurred in Nashville yesterday. Actions must be taken
immediately and on an ongoing basis - through strong legislation
and expansion of the beh...
Mental Health Care Helps Increasing Number of Adolescents with Depression, Anxiety
March 1, 2023
COVID-19, associated isolation and other related difficulties are
commonly considered to be the most significant factors
contributing to the increasing rates of depression, anxiety and
suicidal thoughts and behaviors among teenagers. While this is a
fact, it is also true...
NJAMHAA Applauds Governor’s Proposed Increased Funding for the Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
February 28, 2023
Statement from Debra L. Wentz, PhD, President and
The New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction
Agencies (NJAMHAA) is elated with Governor Phil Murphy's proposed
significant investments in the behavioral healthcare workforce.
It is clear that Gov....
NJAMHAA Launches “Diverse Faces: Partners in Care” Campaign
January 19, 2023
Greater Investment in the Behavioral Healthcare Workforce
Is Needed for the Wellbeing of New Jersey's
Diverse Population
A March 2022 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration shows that the nationwide number of
behavioral health soci...
NJ Governor’s Council on Mental Health Stigma Hosts Media Roundtable
September 26, 2022
Dr. Otto Wahl, Author of Media Madness: Public Images of Mental
Illness, to Deliver Keynote and Anti-Stigma Guidelines at this
Event October 3, 2022
After a hiatus of several years, the Governor's Council on Mental
Health Stigma* was reactivated in January 2022. U...
Behavioral Healthcare Continuum, Workforce Are Critical for to Achieve Recovery, Avoid Suicide Risk
September 9, 2022
September Is National Suicide Prevention Month and National
Recovery Month
Across the nation, drastic shortages of mental healthcare and
substance use disorder (SUD) treatment professionals have
resulted in only about 28% of the need for these services being
Tragic Deaths and Lasting Trauma Underscore Need for Strong Laws and Increased Access to Services
May 25, 2022
Statement from Debra L. Wentz, PhD, President and
The New Jersey Association of Mental Health and Addiction
Agencies, Inc. (NJAMHAA) is devastated to hear about the horrific
loss of 19 students and two teachers, and serious injuries to
several more children and ad...
Sharing Personal Stories of Mental Health Struggles Helps Eliminate Stigma
May 23, 2022
Open conversations about mental health that have occurred as a
result of the pandemic are helping to eliminate stigma, which is
the greatest factor that prevents individuals from seeking help.
An extremely powerful tool is sharing experiences with mental
health challenges...